Eastern Stars

This was a recipe my Little Pet invented over 15 years ago at secondary school for a Year 8 cookbook.  It was really easy to make then, and we were happy to discover, it is still really easy to make and very delummy. Ingredients 10g cooking chocolate 85g cocoa (or drinking chocolate if you don’t want it sooooo cocoa-ie) 85g …

Yummy Manor House / Countryish Cake

Ingredients 140 g (5 oz) self raising flour 1 teaspoon baking powder (we made sure it was really level, because we were thinking of Mary Berry watching us in our imaginary tent). 115 g (4 oz) light soft brown sugar (although, my Little Pet used dark, and actually, it was fine) 2 eggs, beaten (we like using Waitbose* Intelligent Eggs, …