
Hello, Welcome, and Greetings to you All,

Thank you for visiting.  My name is Tipsy Cat and I love travelling around the world (when I’m not teaching at École Tipsy, Cradle University, London, that is). Apart from catnapping, my other hobbies include writing and editing Pets’ Mews – the MewsPaper for Instagramming Pets, Plushies and their People; baking; shopping, and generally exploring the world and my home town, London. My pets have taken photos of me and written up our thoughts on all the places we’ve been to, so that we can share them with you.

I do hope you enjoy them and that they inspire you and your pets / humans / companions / staff / accomplices / mums and dads / helpers etc.

Lots of love,

Mmm Pink Champers

Tipsy Cat Bose and her Pets xxx